Marisa Hamamoto

Marisa Hamamoto is a transformative movement artist, stroke survivor, and the founder of Infinite Flow, an award-winning dance company that employs “out-of-the-box movers”: disabled and nondisabled artists with diverse intersectional identities. Since 2015, she has led the group in more than 150 performances, from school assemblies to high-profile global events (Infinite Flow has worked with Apple, Meta, Adidas, PayPal, and more). “I learn and grow personally and professionally each day,” says Marisa, a proud 4th-generation Japanese-American who makes sure to uplift others by “sharing the mic and platform.”
Marisa was nominated for the Hall of Femme by Tiffany Yu, who praises her determination in the face of adversity. “She was told many times during her dance career that she didn’t fit the box of what a dancer should look like, so she created her own box,” Tiffany says.
She is also bringing others along for the ride. “I was brought into this world to use my love for dance, movement, and stories to transform people and the world,” says Marisa. And the people agree: in 2021, Marisa was named one of People Magazine’s Women Changing the World, along with changemakers like Stacey Abrams, Naomi Osaka, and Amanda Gorman.
Find Marisa on Instagram and LinkedIn.