Sana Javeri Kadri
Sana Javeri Kadri is the founder and CEO of Diaspora Co., a direct trade, single-origin spice company dedicated to growing a better spice trade. She launched the brand in 2017 with a big vision (and very small budget) to “set a new standard for what equity and culture in our global food system can look like.” Since then, Diaspora Co. has quickly grown to become a beloved spice brand, and one that champions more than 150 regenerative family farms and 1500+ farm workers. This spice girl’s creating global change and keeping our food seasoned.
Born and raised in Mumbai, India, Sana was part of a “big, mixed up Muslim-Jain-Hindu family” in which food was the common denominator and cultural connector. She has dipped her toe in every facet of the food industry since she was a teenager, working from line cook, to farm worker, to food photographer, to marketing consultant, to CSA manager, to spice CEO. Sana was nominated for the Hall of Femme by Stevie Stacionis, who admires her for creating a company that “totally stood the spice trade on its head and is making massive inroads toward truly fair trade, equity-driven spice sales around the world."
Find Sana on Instagram.