Tracy Weiss
Tracy Weiss was a 30-year-old working in New York City as producer and talent agent when she received a cervical cancer diagnosis. After her health insurance insurance company denied a claim to preserve her fertility – deeming it ‘elective’ -- and she became a cancer survivor, Tracy remained pissed about the challenges facing young women diagnosed with cancer. In 2017, she joined a group of badass women who wanted to change the landscape of women’s health for the better, and the result was The Chick Mission, a non-profit organization dedicated to education, grant making and advocacy on behalf of young women diagnosed with cancer during childbearing years.
“By keeping a dialogue open between women at so many different stages of their journey, I am lucky enough to be part of a community so that no one feels alone or isolated by being young and sick,” Tracy said. “(We are) changing individual lives in real time … allowing women with cancer to preserve their fertility ahead of treatment, all the while strategizing and pushing for institutional reform to benefit women's health -- I love what I get to do.”
Since its inception four years ago, the organization has helped 250 patients in six states – and The Chick Mission’s advocacy program mobilizes grassroots supporters and local survivors to urge state governments to make legislative changes. Tracy currently serves as the executive director and chief creative officer, with her magical blend of Email Inbox Management and OddBall Ideas.
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